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Tuesday 27 August 2013


Cheo Lim Chin Sun Liap Hup Keng 石林晋山联合宫

Cheo Lim Chin Sun Liap Hup Keng Temple (Hokkien)
Shi Lin Jin Shan Lian He Gong 石林晋山联合宫

This temple complex, now almost 10 years old, has three temples sharing the same premises, on a 30-year lease. It is located adjacent to another rather famous temple complex in Singapore - the San QingGong Temple.

The first temple to the right (No. 11 Bedok North Street 5, SE 485876;Tel: 6243-31387) has as its main deity, the Jade Emperor, flanked by his two lieutenants - the Northern and Southern Bushel Gods, as well as the Tay Bu Neo Neo. Directly opposite them is Huat Chu Kong. The Five Generals, Tiger God and Tu Ti Kong are also deities worshipped there. The temple was initially located at Kampong Chai Chee.

The temple in the middle (No. 9 Bedok North Street 5, SE 485875; Tel:6441-7080) - the Kuah Na Keng temple - has the Sam Bu Ong Yah as its main deity. In the inner chamber is Goddess of Mercy who dispenses holy water whenever any devotee kneels on a cushion placed in front of the Goddess. This temple was originally from Kembangan.

In the temple to the left (No. 7 Bedok North Street 5; Tel:6443-7873), one can find Ser Chew Boon Poh in the main hall (this deity was brought over from a temple in Tampines). Next to him is ShanCai Tong Zi, relocated from a Mandai temple. In the inner hall are theTua Li Sar Ya Peh.

Cheo Lim Chin Sun Liap Hup Keng Temple
No. 7, 9 and 11 Bedok North Street 5
Singapore 485874, 4885875 and 485876 respectively

Information from http://chinesetemples.blogspot.sg/2005/09/4-cheo-lim-chin-sun-liap-hup-keng.html

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